Delivery and installation

Upon the fact of manufacturing the order, the managers of “verArte” contact you to clarify the most convenient time of delivery and installation of furniture products.

Delivery is carried out on trucks, under the strict supervision of experienced specialists, taking into account all rules of competent transportation of furniture products. In some regions, delivery is carried out by a professional transport company - a reliable and trusted partner with a worthy reputation in the market of services. Qualification of the company's employees excludes the possibility of damaging the furniture during the delivery.

Wizard-installers will produce a quality assembly of furniture products, if necessary, make the furniture fit for the interior features of the serviced premises.

Before installing furniture the customer needs:

  • prepare the workspace for the installation of furniture,
  • release the passage to the premises and provide easy access to it.

For all furniture products there is a brand guarantee. Also, post-warranty service is provided, including the restoration of furniture and the replacement of failed parts.